Common warning signs of hearing loss

By Erin Seamer – Audiologist Hearing Help Newport

Hearing is integral to our daily life, whether it’s enjoying conversations, relaxing with a favourite show, or navigating social settings. Unfortunately, hearing loss can develop gradually and go unnoticed until it starts to significantly impact our quality of life. In this blog, we’ll explore some common signs of hearing loss.

Common Signs of Hearing Loss

  1. Difficulty in background noise: Difficulty hearing in crowded or noisy environments, such as restaurants or busy streets, is often one of the first noticeable signs of hearing loss. Background noise can overshadow softer speech sounds, making it hard to focus on what people are saying.
  2. Repeated Requests for Repetition: Asking for repeats by saying things like “Can you say that again?” or “Sorry, I didn’t catch that” become common in your conversations, it might be a subtle indicator of hearing difficulties.
  3. Feedback or comments from Others: Often, loved ones are the first to notice changes in your hearing and this may be because they are the ones that frequently go to the effort of repeating (see point 2). Having to repeat oneself can be quite laborious and tiresome, it’s often harder than saying “What?”. If they suggest a hearing test, it’s worth considering, as they might be more attuned to the gradual changes you might not notice. Also, if you find them saying things like “never mind, it wasn’t about you” or “I’ll tell you later” it’s often a sign that you are hard to communicate with and they aren’t able to do so at that time.
  4. Increased Volume: If you constantly find yourself turning up the volume on your phone, television, or other devices, and others comment that the volume is too loud, it could signal a hearing issue.
  5. Unusually Loud Speech: Hearing loss can affect your self-perception, causing you to speak louder than needed. If friends and family frequently point out that you’re speaking too loudly, it might be time to get your hearing checked.
  6. Decreased Awareness of Surrounding Sounds: Noticing a lack of awareness about sounds in your environment can be concerning. This might indicate more significant hearing loss and could pose safety risks.
  7. Misunderstanding Conversations: If you often miss key details in conversations or struggle to follow complex discussions, it could be a sign of hearing problems.

Addressing hearing loss early can make a significant difference in maintaining your quality of life. If you recognize any of these signs, scheduling a hearing test can be a crucial step towards better hearing health